Maritieme Academie Smart Up op 14 augustus 2019: PSC - Geconcentreerde inspectiecampagne (CIC) 2019 met focus op noodsystemen en -procedures
De CIC van dit jaar legt de nadruk op noodsystemen en -procedures, inclusief noodoefeningen voor de bemanning. Meld u vandaag aan om advies te krijgen van onze DNV GL-experts over hoe u zich kunt voorbereiden op de nieuwe campagne die in september van start gaat. Lees meer [English]
Every year a focus topic is agreed by the MoUs to be checked in detail during regular PSC inspections. The so-called CIC – Concentrated Inspection Campaign - lasts for 3 months from 1st September to 30th November.
The vast majority of PSC Regimes set a high priority on being prepared for emergencies. Deficiencies with Emergency Systems and Procedures still feature among the top PSC findings and have been for many years. This is why Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU have agreed to carry out a joint CIC 2019 on emergency systems, e.g. emergency generator and drills. This CIC will also be followed by Black Sea MoU, Mediterranean MoU, Indian MoU, Riyadh MoU and Vina del Mar MoU.
Maritime Academy will be hosting another live Smart Up event on August 14th 2019, with advice from our DNV GL experts on how to prepare for this CIC. The content will be based on the questionnaire published in the summer by the PSC regimes. The questionnaire is normally available 4 weeks before the start of the campaign, but we can assume that the CIC will focus on the main deficiencies found during inspections over the previous years (e.g. emergency generator, emergency fire pump and emergency lighting). In addition, crew training on emergency procedures is also a related issue, so PSCOs may ask for a drill to be carried out.
A live question and answer session will follow the webinar.
Click here here to register now for one of the two sessions.