Internal auditor training

Auditing is a skill! Therefore this training course almost entirely consists of exercises and role-plays. In a team you will prepare, plan, conduct and report an audit at a fictitious company.

Auditing is a skill! Therefore this training course almost entirely consists of exercises and role-plays. In a team you will prepare, plan, conduct and report an audit at a fictitious company. This fictitious company has a documented management system, procedures, work instructions, archives records and computer systems available.

Course content
  • Audits and audit questionnaires; In this section the auditing process is positioned within process management, business risks and the role of management. The different types of audits and the use of any type are treated. Also, the organization of an audit will be discussed and the structure and implementation of audit questionnaires will be handled.
  • Exercise prepare quality audit questionnaire
  • Exercise prepare audit plan with a proper division of tasks within the audit team
  • Role-play audit execution. You will be thoroughly trained in interview techniques
  • Pitfalls that may disrupt coöperation between auditors and auditees
  • Critical success factors for good audit reporting
  • Role-play audit execution part 2 and 3
  • Conducting a successful closing meeting between auditors and auditees and management
After the training course:
  • You have the knowledge to independently prepare, implement and report audits
  • You can prepare an audit plan
  • You can prepare audit questionnaires
  • You have skills and techniques to conduct interviews (communicative and social skills)
  • You understand the "pitfalls" in interviews, in collecting information and verifying results
  • You have skills to determine the effectiveness of the management system
  • You understand the sequence and relationship between business processes, business risks, critical points and performance indicators (and you can independently measure individual work instructions, procedures, processes, etc. in more aspects than only conformity assessment)
  • You can recognize and designate the strengths and weaknesses in a chain of interconnected processes
  • You have the ability to realise with minimum time clear reporting of improvement opportunities
  • You have insight in the time required for the preparation, execution and reporting of audits
Target group
This training is intended for (prospective) internal auditors and also for other stakeholders in developing, implementing or improving quality management systems such as quality officers, occupational health / safety / environmental coordinators and managers.

Prior knowledge
General knowledge of the generic standard requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in relation to the control of documented information, internal audit, non-conformities, corrective and preventive actions. Knowledge of the basic principles of auditing increases the effectiveness of this training.

This training course is only provided as incompany and can be provided, upon request, tailor made in your own organization. To request a quotation, please
click here or contact us by phone on +31 (0) 10 - 2922706 or e-mail:
Auditing is a skill! Therefore this training course almost entirely consists of exercises and role-plays. In a team you will prepare, plan, conduct and report an audit at a fictitious company. This fictitious company has a documented management system, procedures, work instructions, archives records and computer systems available.

Course content
  • Audits and audit questionnaires; In this section the auditing process is positioned within process management, business risks and the role of management. The different types of audits and the use of any type are treated. Also, the organization of an audit will be discussed and the structure and implementation of audit questionnaires will be handled.
  • Exercise prepare quality audit questionnaire
  • Exercise prepare audit plan with a proper division of tasks within the audit team
  • Role-play audit execution. You will be thoroughly trained in interview techniques
  • Pitfalls that may disrupt coöperation between auditors and auditees
  • Critical success factors for good audit reporting
  • Role-play audit execution part 2 and 3
  • Conducting a successful closing meeting between auditors and auditees and management
After the training course:
  • You have the knowledge to independently prepare, implement and report audits
  • You can prepare an audit plan
  • You can prepare audit questionnaires
  • You have skills and techniques to conduct interviews (communicative and social skills)
  • You understand the "pitfalls" in interviews, in collecting information and verifying results
  • You have skills to determine the effectiveness of the management system
  • You understand the sequence and relationship between business processes, business risks, critical points and performance indicators (and you can independently measure individual work instructions, procedures, processes, etc. in more aspects than only conformity assessment)
  • You can recognize and designate the strengths and weaknesses in a chain of interconnected processes
  • You have the ability to realise with minimum time clear reporting of improvement opportunities
  • You have insight in the time required for the preparation, execution and reporting of audits
Target group
This training is intended for (prospective) internal auditors and also for other stakeholders in developing, implementing or improving quality management systems such as quality officers, occupational health / safety / environmental coordinators and managers.

Prior knowledge
General knowledge of the generic standard requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in relation to the control of documented information, internal audit, non-conformities, corrective and preventive actions. Knowledge of the basic principles of auditing increases the effectiveness of this training.

This training course is only provided as incompany and can be provided, upon request, tailor made in your own organization. To request a quotation, please
click here or contact us by phone on +31 (0) 10 - 2922706 or e-mail:
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